Build or edit your items list within Tap to Pay

Sell multiple items quickly and build your item list over time.

You can build a list of your products or services within Tap to Pay to quickly select items to build an order and complete your customer checkout. You may choose to build your list in advance, OR you can add items to your list as you complete new's up to you!

Build your Items list all at once


To set up an initial list when not making any sales:

  1. Tap Items at the bottom of the screen upon opening Tap to Pay.
  2. Tap + that appears in the upper right corner of the Items area.
  3. Type in the product/service name and price.
  4. Tap Add to create that item in your Items list.

Build your items list as you complete new sales

You can add products to your list as you itemize new sales for customers:

  1. Tap Start a Cart. Your Items list will appear on screen.
  2. Tap + in the upper right corner of the Items area.
  3. Type in a name for the new product for your list, then type in the desired price.
  4. Tap Add.
  5. Complete your Tap to Pay sale by choosing Tap Card.

The product will now be part of your items list going forward. You can increase the quantity of the product sale by tapping the + button in the cart OR by tapping the item in your items list as many times as needed.

Edit your items list


You can edit your product list to update the cost, update the product name, or delete the product altogether. To edit an item in your list:

  1. Tap Items at the bottom of the Tap to Pay main screen. Your existing Items list will appear.
  2. Perform a long press on the item you wish to edit.
  3. Choose Edit in the options that appear.
  4. Make changes to the product name or price, then tap Update.

Delete an item from your Items list

  1. Tap Items at the bottom of the Tap to Pay main screen. Your existing Items list will appear.
  2. Perform a long press on the item you wish to delete.
  3. Choose Delete in the options that appear.