How to refund a payment when using Tap to Pay on iPhone

Note: The Tap to Pay on iPhone feature is not available to all Autobooks users. If Tap to Pay is not present in your mobile experience, contact your financial institution to inquire about Tap to Pay.

Note: A payment will need to be refunded once payment processing has occurred. If the payment has not yet processed you may cancel the payment. Click to learn How to cancel a payment when using Tap to Pay on iPhone.

  1. Navigate to Tap to Pay inside of your mobile banking app. 

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  2. In the upper right corner, click the list icon. Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.13.10 PM

  3. Tap the payment that you're looking to refund.

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  4. Tap 'Refund Payment';
    A prompt to Confirm Full Refund will appear. To confirm, tap 'Refund Payment'

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  5. After confirming the refund, the payment details will be updated automatically to show the date of refund, and a Refunded status will appear as part of the transaction within your transaction list.

Note: Through Tap to Pay on iPhone, refunds can only be made for the full payment amount. Partial refunds cannot be completed. 

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