Enrollment and Payment Enablement with Autobooks

Ready to start getting paid? Here's how to begin.

Click on Autobooks or an Autobooks payment tool (Send an Invoice, Payment Link) within online banking. If you're not able to locate us, reach out to your financial institution for assistance.

Step 2:

Read and accept our Terms & Conditions, then select a checking account for Autobooks to deposit your customer payments and withdraw fees (you'll only need to select an account if you have multiple checking accounts for your business or organization).

NOTE: Autobooks can be connected to only one checking account. Autobooks cannot be connected to other account types. 


Step 3: 

You'll now be within Autobooks. You can choose to begin your application to accept digital payments or skip applying for now to explore our tools.  

NOTE: You won't be able to process a payment until your application is completed. 


Application to Accept Payments

Autobooks will gather information about your business/organization and use that information to approve you to accept digital payments.

Click on Accept Payments from anywhere inside of Autobooks. 

Step 2:

Answer the questions displayed. If you want to defer any particular question in the moment you can, but all questions MUST be answered before Autobooks can approve your business/organization to take payments through our tools.

Deferred questions

If you defer a question, it will appear at the end of the question process flow. No question can be completely skipped.

Questions with answers that conflict with others

We may ask you to clarify something if your answer conflicts with other information.

Select the way you wish to clarify your answer from the choices listed if you're asked to clarify. Here's an example of what that might look like: 


NOTE: if you close the questions window or exit Autobooks before you've answered everything, your progress is saved. Just return to Autobooks within online banking to return to your application in progress.

Step 3:

Once all questions are answered, Autobooks will assess your information to approve your business/organization to process digital payments. During this process, we'll keep you informed every step of the way. Click here to read through messages you may see in-app or receive via email during this time.


NOTE: Not all financial institutions offer our Tap to Pay option. Please contact your financial institution to request they offer Tap to Pay.

There are additional steps for a business/organization when enabling Tap to Pay. These steps will be displayed to you within Tap to Pay after you are approved to process payments. 

Step 1:

Connect an Apple ID to Tap to Pay. You can choose to connect the Apple ID that is currently associated with the iPhone you are using in the moment OR use an Apple ID from another iPhone. Have your Apple ID user name and password handy to complete this step.

Step 2: 

While the Apple ID connection is being established with Apple, you'll view a short tutorial video on best practices in taking a payment through Tap to Pay.

NOTE: This step may take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Do NOT click away from Tap to Pay while the connection is being established.

The Apple ID connection is complete and you can begin taking payments through Tap to Pay.