I just signed up for Autobooks, when can I start getting paid

Once you've accepted our terms of service you'll be able to interact with Autobooks tools, however you will not be able to start accepting payments quite yet. You'll need to complete our merchant processing application to be approved to take payments using Autobooks. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

Once Autobooks has reached a decision regarding your application, you'll be notified via email. You'll also see in-app messaging regarding our decision. This application process is reviewed and managed by the Autobooks team, not your financial institution.

Additional documentation requests during application review

Upon Autobooks' initial review of your business information, we may reach out and request additional documentation or information. You'll see these requests via email as well as messaging in our application. Click here for step-by-step instruction on how to respond to these requests.

Common questions about the Autobooks application review process

  1. Why do you need more information? Isn't Autobooks integrated with my bank?

    While we get most data from your bank, we do not get copies of any physical documents.Documents that we often need in addition to info from your bank include tax statements, bank statements from other Fis, prior merchant processing statements, customer contracts, financial statements, address verification. 

  2. I don't have everything you've requested. What can I do?
    We understand that you may not have all the information we've requested. Please let us know what specific documents or details you’re missing, and we’ll work with you to determine the best alternative. In some cases, we may require additional information to validate you or your business.  Contact Autobooks Support 816-617-3122 or submit a support ticket here.
  3. Why must I provide a physical address for my business when I use a P.O. Box?
    Autobooks isn't able to accept a virtual office or P.O. Box address. We need a physical address for your business for compliance requirements and to verify the legitimacy of your business.